Vice Chancellor giving welcoming note during VLIR-UOS programme Phase II Launch on February 4th 2019 at NM-AIST conference hall
Research Data Management Workshop (6-9 June 2022) at NM-AIST, Arusha
Visitation of maize growers in maize fertilization trial field of Ms. Lydia Mhoro during Farmers’ field day held in May 2021 in Hai District.
Stakeholders listening to Dr Anita Rugaika on the value of the constructed wetland 2022
JSCM 09 February 2023 at NM-AIST-min


Sanitation, Water quality and Agricultural productivity in the Upper Pangani Basin

Goal: The ultimate aim of this project is...

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Development of water purification technologies

Goal: To develop water purification technologies for wastewater....

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Applied aquatic ecology

Goal: To sustain healthy aquatic ecosystems in Northern Tanzania to ....

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Institutional Strengthening

Goal: improving NM-AIST research and education quality through....

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Photo gallery


The VLIR-IUC/ NM-AIST partnership programme is a collaboration between the Nelson Mandela Institution and the KU-Leuven in Belgium, the programme is divided into two phases each of six years, with the first phase focusing on capacity building initiatives ; through Phd & masters training to the institution’s staff, thematic research & training, launching of local masters and Phd programmes, investing in....

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Well Integrated Projects in 1 Programme

Overall focus

Strengthen the research capacity of NM-AIST academics and staff to carry out state-of-the-art research that is responsive to the true needs of the society in Tanzania.


The research programme will work in the area of livelihood improvement through interventions in soil, water and sanitation.

Project 5

Goal: To increase technology transfer to society and industry originating from Academic and R & D in the Northern Tanzania through enhanced....

Programme Support Unit

The PSU provides administrative and logistical support to the other IUC projects regarding implementation of activities in a defined channel....
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Project Team

Prof. Karoli Njau

School of Materials,Energy,Water and Environmental Sciences(MEWES) NM-AIST

Ms. Joyce Rugakingila

Program Manager VLIR-IUC/NMAIST Patnership Programme - NM-AIST

Ms. Joyce Rugakingila

Program Manager VLIR-IUC/NMAIST Patnership Programme - NM-AIST

Prof. Luc Brendonck.

Labaratory of Aquatic Ecology, Evolution and Conservation KU - Leuven.


During my VLIR-OUS scholarship, I visited Belgium every year during my studies for about 4 to 6 months. I was able to visit other parts of Europe (France, The Netherlands and Austria) and Africa (Ethiopia) for conferences and training.

Dr. Anna Haji Msigwa

Lecturer School of Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences (MEWES)

Studying at KU Leuven has opened the doors to my professional and career development. I look forward to making meaningful contributions to the management and conservation of aquatic ecosystems in my country, the African region and the world at large.

Dr. Grite Nelson Mwaijengo

Lecturer School of Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences (MEWES)

Studying at KU Leuven has opened the doors to my professional and career development. I look forward to making meaningful contributions to the management and conservation of aquatic ecosystems in my country, the African region and the world at large.

Dr. Anita M. Rugaika

Lecturer School of Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences (MEWES)